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Saturday, August 26, 2006

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  • At Tuesday, August 29, 2006 3:25:00 AM, Blogger Elaine said…

    I did the download and added Giyus.org to my links !! This is something that everyone who loves Israel can do !! I really believe that the "good guys" do out-number the "bad guys", it's just that they are so vocal and we're too silent !! My grandfather used to say, "It's the squeaky wheel that gets the grease." The opposition understands this very well !! It's time we get a little louder and a lot more pro-active !! One of my favorite quotes is, " All it takes for evil to win is for good people to do nothing." We've got to do all we can to see that the TRUTH is heard over the lies !! This is a great way to do that !!

  • At Tuesday, August 29, 2006 11:47:00 PM, Blogger Elaine said…

    Dear Chenyok,
    I understand exactly where your coming from !! I can not speak for Tamar or anyone else, but I would like to try to answer your question, "Why would we want to defend the secular state of Yisrael, especially after Gush Katif and in anticipation of planned future withdrawals?" A very good question and one I will try to answer, at least from my own feelings on the subject. This touchs on what I commented about too. It is time for us to speak-out and to no longer remain silent !! I often come across the argument for ahavas Yisrael, as a reason given for not speaking-out against wrongs done by Jews to their fellow Jews, but this is a one-sided argument and not a good one in my opinion. This is about defending the Jewish state of Israel, secular or religious, it is the Jewish Birthright and homeland given by HaShem to the Jewish people forever. Some few religious Jews argue that because it is a secular state with a secular beginning, therefore it is illegitimate, hence they feel no obligation to support, or defend a secular state. I disagree with this attitude and even question their loyalties. Israel is secular today because secular Jews took the lead in establishing a Jewish homeland while the religious debated. It should have been the religious who took the lead in claiming their rightful Birthright and things might would be different now. I hope this doesn't offend anyone because that is certainly not my desire. I am not in any way defending the actions of the secular establishment, to the contrary, I condemn their actions fervently, but "giving away the farm", as my grandfather would have called it, or allowing those in power to do so without a fight, is UNTHINKABLE !! Sure, they gave away Gush Katif and they will give away more, MUCH MORE, if we don't do something to stop it !! This is a golden opportunity for the religious to step-up to the plate and denounce the actions of the "Jew-beating, Jew-expelling, Jew-imprisoning, cemetery-desecrating, shul-demolishing, Jew-betraying secular state". As I said in my previous comment, the "bad guys" (sadly, some of them Jews Too), are very vocal and the good guys, are far too silent, if we remain silent, those in power will achieve their intended objectives and we'll have no one to blame when it happens again, except ourselves for keeping silent and often hiding behind religous arguments to defend our inaction. Ahavas Yisrael demands that we speak-out, not that we keep silent. Silence can kill !! Love is demonstrated in action when we speak the TRUTH, even when no one wants to hear it !! Your not defending the actions of these seculars by supporting Israel, your defending their actions, IF YOU DON'T SPEAK-OUT, because our silence is their greatest strength !! Shalom

  • At Friday, September 01, 2006 12:00:00 AM, Blogger Elaine said…

    Dear Yesha Woman,
    Where you said, and I quote, " We're no longer going to sit back and take that any longer. And the anti-semites can go choke themselves.", tickled me !! I loved it !! Now that's the kind of ATTITUDE it's going to take to see things change !! When more people have this kind of fighting attitude, we WILL see change !!


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