Olmert Actually Did Something Good!

He was remarking to the news reporter that this is the first time that the LEFT AND the RIGHT wing were demonstrating TOGETHER. I had to laugh, because I turned to my husband and said that Olmert has fostered UNITY in Israel. Because of him, the Left and the Right are standing together!!!!!! LOL Love it, love it, love it. Miracles of miracles, the Moshaich must be really close in coming.
Now for some more good news, I GUESS... as there was an accident on the road right near our community, but thank G-d, no one was hurt. You have to see these photos, and I am glad that I had a camera in the car.... this is what we saw on our way to Jerusalem today... And so we pulled over to see what had happened. A car went off the road, crashing through the guard rails, spilling crushed rocks and gravel into the street, and then falling maybe 40 meters down a cliff. The good news is, though the car was crushed badly, the passanger section of the car remained fully intact, with just a shattered windshield. The occupants of the car were unhurt. UNHURT!!! From such a scary fall over a cliff. Clearly they have much to thank G-d for..jpg)
At Friday, May 11, 2007 10:57:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Olmert! he made unity by gettng the country so p-ssed off at him. Now let's see Livni and Pertez also unite the country in the same way. david
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